
Review Policies

Attention Authors & Publishers

*As of right now, I am NOT accepting any reviews or spotlight requests. I apologize for the inconvenience. *

If you are here to request for a review, please read this policy carefully before emailing me.

I am a very eclectic reader. I read YA and Adult novels in the following categories:  classics, fantasy, contemporary, paranormal/supernatural, historical fiction, romance/historical romance, dystopian, literature, and some science fiction. I also read erotica once in a while, but it's not preferred.

The genres that I'm not really into are non-fiction (unless they are memoirs) and poetry.

I accept the following formats for review:

  • ebook/print ARCs
  • ebooks: epub or pdf
  • print books

Please be aware that I am a very busy person especially during the school year. If you want a review, please give me ample time to do so.

This blog is run by me, and only me, and I do not accept any form of compensation for reviews. If I receive a copy of a book from an author or publisher for review, it is in exchange for an honest review.

You can contact me at vonnie862 (at) gmail (dot) com.

Happy Reading!!!
