
Monday, June 25, 2012

Musing Mondays (June 25th)

This is a meme hosted by MizB from Should Be Reading.

This week's musing asks...

Do you set goals for yourself, while reading? For example, “I want to get this book finished this weekend“, or “I will read __ pages today“, etc. Why, or why not?

My Answer:
Yes, I do set myself some goals for reading, especially if I feel that I have not finished a book recently. Every new year I set a number that I hope to accomplish by the end of this year. For 2012, I plan to read 70 books. I try to put it at a reasonable number so I don't feel rushed by the end of the year, but it's still a big enough number where I could fill proud of myself. I also tell myself that at least 30 of these books have to come from my massive TBR pile.

As I am reading, I set myself mini goals. I either say that "I will get by at least this page by the end of this day" or "by the end of this weekend, I must finish this book." I usually read about 2-3 books at a time and if I don't set these goals, then I'm all over the place and won't finish them. Plus, I really dislike reading a 400 or less book for more than three weeks.


  1. no, I do not set makes reading a bit more like a job to me if I do.

  2. I do have in my mind this idea that I should review 100 books this year..not at all sure

    1. I've tried the 100 book challenge a couple of years ago, and that nearly killed me. Reading was not fun at all that year. It was more of a job. That's why I set my goals to be around 70 so I could let life get in the way.

  3. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog!

    I don't really set myself any goals. I just read as many books as I can and try to enjoy each one of them. :-)

  4. I don't set goals but I probably should. It might keep me from spending so much time on the computer instead of reading!

    1. Oh the computer...I have the same problem...
