
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

(18+) Review and Giveaway of Confessions of a "Wicked" Woman by Susanna Carr

Stephanie Monroe leaves L.A. to the small town of Mayfield in search of her business partner, Venus. Unfortunately, Stephanie is caught in a storm, crashes into a creek, looses the SUV and her belongings in the water, is rescued by a hot sheriff, and gets arrested while at the police station for indecent exposure. Stephanie believes she has the worst luck and is desperate to get out of Mayfield with Venus, but soon a flood threatens the town and the two girls are trapped. Maybe Sheriff Jack Logan will come and rescue Stephanie again...

This was a cute, silly, easy to read, sexy book that's a perfect summer read. This is the second book I've read in the "Wicked" Woman series and it did not disappoint. Though this book did not have many steamy sex scenes as the other books, the ones that were there were worth it (oh the jail scene...).

Stephanie and Jack were hot together. They both want different things in life but their attraction for each other will make them compromise things to be together. I enjoyed how good girl Stephanie turned her "wicked" side on to torture Jack. I especially enjoyed how Jack didn't give a damn what the town thought of him being around Stephanie.

Overall, this was a great yet fast read. I liked the idea that there weren't too many sex scenes but the ones that were there did not make me regret reading them.

I am giving away my copy of this book. I got it as a used book, so keep that in mind. It does have slight crease marks on the spine of the book and the right bottom corner is bent. Other than that, it's in good shape.

Also, this does have explicit sex scenes so please, only 18+ participants.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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