
Thursday, July 19, 2012

TBR Reduction Thursdays! HELP!!!!

Okay...I seriously need to start reading books from my TBR pile instead of adding to it! So, I decided to try to read a book from my pile at least once a week. The problem is, I can't seem to decide which book to read next.

That's where you come in! I have narrowed my books down to three and you guys vote for the one that I should read next :D.

Here are the books (click on them to be sent to Amazon for more info):

1. Divas Don't Yield by Sofia Quintero
3. Lucky Chica by Berta Platas

What Should I read Next? free polls 

*The "What Should I Read Next?" voting was inspired by Carson from A Reader with Voice.
**Voting ends Saturday, July 21st, so I could get quickly started.


  1. I think you should read confections of a wicked women next the title seems so interesting
    New follower from the Blog Hop
    My Wonderfully Dysfunctional Blog

  2. New follower! I love your voting system idea. I vote for Lucky Chica by Berta Platas :)

  3. Spot on with Fifty Shades! I love your blog and I am a new follower.
