
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bibliophile's Winter Reading Challenge

The Winter Reading Challenge is about to begin over at Bibliophile from Shelfari. It runs from December 1st to February 28th. This year's theme is: End of the World. In this challenge, participants read as many books from the categories as they want to earn points. These points indicate how many raffle entries each participant earns. You can visit the challenge page here to learn more of the details. Here are the prizes the participants are working for:

Prize 1

The participant with the most points receives a $15 gift card to Amazon. This person is excluded from the raffle.

Prize 2

Choice of combined BOTM books from 2012 under $25. Here's the list. Person also receives a bookmark.

Prize 3

Choice of 2 ARC books. The above books are just some of the choices.

Prize 4

Winner of this prize receives a box of mystery books plus swag.

Everyone is welcomed to participate!