
Thursday, January 24, 2013

FF Friday, Jan. 25th

Feature & Follow is a blog hop hosted by Parajunkee & Alison Can Read. The purpose is to meet new people and gain more followers in the book blogging community. Also, you must follow other bloggers. This is how we make friends.
This week's question is:
What is the last book that kept you up late into the night just to finish it?

 I would have to say Dead Running by Cami Checketts. I read this for a blog tour and I really enjoyed the book. It was a fast read but with my busy schedule, I found myself reading at night. This book had me hook though that I was sleep deprived all of last weekend.
How about you?


  1. I haven't read this one yet, but I've heard that its really good.

    Old GFC Follower

    Thanks for following

  2. Well, at least you read it on the weekend!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Haven't read that one yet, I'll definitely check it out!

    Here's my FF:

  4. Lauren Conrad's latest book - "Starstruck" its the 5th one I have read by her. (review coming up next week).

  5. Thanks for visiting. I've not read this one. I'm a new follower!
