
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Know Me Better #13

This is a weekly Meme by Inspired Kathy @ I Am A Reader, Not A Writer. Each week she picks 5 questions from her authors' interview lists and has us answer them :).

This weeks questions are...

What story does your family always tell about you?
What kind of music do you like?
Would you rather have money or fame?
Do you celebrate Easter? If so what is one of your traditions?
Best April Fools Day Joke you have done or someone has done to you?

What story does your family always tell about you?
I have to pick just one? Sheesh...let's see. When I was four, I was in the kitchen looking for candy and found a shaker filled with small red balls. I took one and popped in my mouth. Next thing you know, I was screaming bloody murder and my family rushed to see what was wrong with me. Turned out that what I thought was candy was actually really hot chili balls from Mexico. To this day my family makes fun of me every time we eat the chili with menudo.

What kind of music do you like?
I am a very eclectic girl when it comes to music. I love pop, rock, classical, Latino music, Arabic music, Korean pop, and country. I dislike rap though unless it's old school.

Would you rather have money or fame?

Do you celebrate Easter? If so what is one of your traditions?
We don't really celebrate Easter. When I was younger, we will always go to church on Easter and then have an Easter egg hunt. Once my mom remarried, that all ended. Instead we treat as any other day, though I am trying to change that.

Best April Fools Day joke you have done or someone has done you?
I don't recall being fooled or fooling anyone on this day. During elementary school, I do remember saying silly things like, "Your zipper is down. April Fools!" was pretty dumb.

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