
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Liebster Award Nomination

Awww...I feel special again ^-^

Chanzie over at Mean Who You Are has nominated me for a Liebster Award. I have already received this award last year when I first started blogging, so I have decided to only answer Chanzie's questions.

For those of you who don't know, the Liebster Award is to help new bloggers and/or blogs with less than 200 followers get more love and attention. So please make sure you head on over to Chanzie's blog and help her feel welcomed :)

Here goes:

1. What are you currently reading and what are you planning on reading next?

  I am currently reading Wolgast Castle by Linda Bell Brighton for a blog tour on September 24th, The Birr Elixir by Jo Sparkes for review, and Mr. Darcy, Vampyre by Amanda Grange (this one is taking me FOREVER). Next, I'll be reading another review book.

2. If you could only pick one book/series to be stranded on an island with, what would it be?
It would have to be the Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon. I've only read her first three books and loved them, but I can not find the time to read her other ones. I figured: if I were stranded on an island, then I would have plenty of time to read her series.
3. If you could have one ability (Magical or skills), what would it be? 
Eat anything I want and not gain weight!
4. What inspired your blogs name and theme?
Vonnie's Reading Corner was the first thing that popped into my mind when Blogger asked me what name I wanted. It's simple and not so unique, but I have grown to love it.
When I first started, I kept changing the theme of my blog until I found the one I currently have. It comes from *Cute n Cool* Freebies. There have been a few moments that I wanted to change the theme again, but I can't find myself letting this one go. It has become part me.
5. What made you want to start a blog?
My awesome friend Wendy from Wall-to-Wall Books encouraged me to get my own started. Because of her, I am hooked!
6.Who is your favorite author? 
I keep adding authors to my favorite list. The ones who are dear to me are: Anne Rice, Christopher Moore, Diana Gabaldon, and J.K. Rowling.
7. Do you have any weird bookishly ways?
The books that I own cannot leave me. They stay in my room. If I'm reading one of my books, it's always with me either next to me, in my purse, or somewhere safe in my classroom. I feel like if I leave them unattended, they will somehow disappear. Also, I try not to let people borrow my books. People usually take forever to give them back or simply never return them. When a book goes to a friend, I feel panicked for a moment.
8. What has been you favorite moment of blogging so far?
Meeting all the other awesome bloggers!
9. Who is your favorite character you identify with?
I identify with Marcela, a character from Becoming Latina in 10 Easy Steps by Lara Rios. I feel like her character was dedicated to me.
10. What is your favorite movie/series that was based on a book?
Can it be a musical? The Phantom of the Opera!!!!
This was fun. Thank you, Chanzie!

1 comment:

  1. Yay I loved your answers! Thank you for taking some time to answer. I am completely the same, I always need a book with me and I find it really tough to let any go! Thats why my bookshelf overflows.. he he he! And yes I also feel the same when loaning a book to friends :)
