
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Bout of Books 9.0: Day 2 Challenge + Update

For all Bout of Books 9.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog.

I have participated in one challenge today:

Reading Tactics List
Hosted by Sarah Says Read

Answer the following:

How do you fit in as much reading as possible during Bout of Books? How do you squeeze in those extra pages?

I try to set a little challenging goals yet still stay realistic when it comes to read-a-thons. Luckily for this Bout of Books, I am on vacation. I don't go back to work until the 13th. That means that I have more time to read during the day along with my night reads.

I do have a second job and I have constant dance rehearsal, but my second job is flexible. However, my dancing does take a lot of my attention. So it's sometimes hard to stay focused in my reading because of dance. I have to trick myself though to get reading done. I tell myself that dancing is a reward I get for reading a certain number of chapters. It's working so far.


Number of pages I've read today: 183
Number of minutes listened to today: 203
Books Finished: 0 (pretty closed to finishing Dragon Fire)

How are you doing?