
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Friday Post, 1/24/14

This hop is hosted by Billy over at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. Every week bloggers answer a question and then visit other blogs that are participating.  This week's question is:

Do you think you will ever read every book in your TBR stack? (submitted by Elizabeth)

A: Honestly...No. How can I read ALL of my books on my TBR pile when I keep adding to it and keep reading books that are not in my pile? Unless I get a serious intervention where I'm not allowed to get any more new books and not allowed to read any books that I do not own, then perhaps I'll be able to read them all.

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City Reader and The Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice.

The Trap by Andrew Fukuda

The beginning: "The train arrives in the dead of day."

Page 56: "I frown. Sissy's right: my father's disappearance defies logic. And it makes his subsequent disappearance from the Mission--so shortly before we were supposed to arrive--all the more inexplicable."

Wow! This last book in the trilogy really blew my mind. I will be posting my review on Saturday.


  1. I was considering a book buying ban until my birthday, because I've bought a ridiculous amount of books and it's only the 24th of January. But I failed at that, there's just too much good stuff out there.

  2. Oooohhhh, the third book is out?! I loved the first two books, can't wait to read the last book! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I can relate to your book situation. Since the start of the year I have consciously cut down on the number of books I am buying--but it's hard to say if I will be able to hang on to my willpower over the next 11 months.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. We definitely need help with our will power.

  4. I would not be happy about a book intervention, how frightening! Great answer its a lot like mine.

    1. My mom tried having an intervention. She started with, "Girl, you need to get rid of some books." I gave her a dirty look. That was the end of the intervention, lol.

  5. I think I would always keep adding to my TBR thus never finishing it...

  6. I am in the same boat. (Without an oar) LOL!

  7. I like the ominous sound of the intro...and the 56 foreshadows so much. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  8. I am intrigued and wanna know more..

    Here is my post

  9. Oh that is a good question. I 100% agree with your answer. Even though I am making an effort to whittle down the pile, it's just not happening.

  10. I like the author's twist on the old cliche "the dead of night" in the opening, and I'm curious about the Mission and the father's disappearance on Page 56 too. Sounds like a good story that I'd enjoy.
    Like you, my TBR pile will only stop growing if I avoid bookstores, Amazon, and blog memes with links to good books. That's not going to happen!
    Here's the link to my Friday post: PICTURING PERFECT.

  11. I had to get really strict with myself to stop an endless stream of cheap books for the TBR pile - it's a hard habit to break! Here's my response:

  12. An intervention to be stopped from adding books to my TBR pile sounds like the worst thing ever. Even when I avoid bookstores I run into books I want to read. I like 'dead of day' in the BB, the way it twists the normal 'dead of night'! Here's my Friday post and I hope you have a good weekend :)
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  13. Wonder what is the story. It looks suspenseful, and the 56 points that way too.

    Happy weekend!

  14. I will never ever ever finish my TBR list! :)

  15. My TBR pile has grown considerably since being a book blogger as well. Lots of inspiration and also got introduced to stuff I probably wouldn't have considered before.

  16. So true ... TBRs grow out of control very quickly ... it's these blasted book bloggers recommending great books left and right ;)

  17. Love your answer, and it is soooo true.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  18. What is the trilogy about overall?

    Linking from Friday 56,
    Ricki Jill
