
Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday Hops, 2/28/14

This hop is hosted by Billy over at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. Every week bloggers answer a question and then visit other blogs that are participating.  This week's question is from Silver's Reviews:

Have you stopped accepting books from either authors or publishers to try to catch up? If not, do you think you would ever do that?   

A: Yes. I am actually not accepting any new review books right now since I'm over my head with what I need to get read. It's not helping that I don't have any time to read right now so I'm falling behind.

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City Reader and The Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice.

 Eve of Awakening by Alisa Hope Wagner

The beginning: "The Second Civil War ravishes the United States, and the once great nation of freedom collapses."

Page 56: "Yes, I will need something to help me sleep. I doubt I will use my Sleeper until the glitch is found."

The author is kind enough to give away a signed copy of this book. It's only opened to US though. (My review for this book will be posted on Saturday)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. A complete well-written post. I apprehend and admired the array and admission aswell bookmarked you. All the best for abutting endeavors

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  2. For the first time I have overbooked myself. I am usually real good at keeping track. I don't know what happened.
    I am booking into June already!!!

  3. I seem to stay overbooked. I say I will not log on to Netgalley but I do. No will power You can tell since I would love to win the copy of Eve of Awakening and entered the contest.

  4. I am so behind on some of the reading I've been wanting to read, so now I only accept books I really want to read! And 'Eve of Awakening' sounds really good! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great weekend

    My Friday Post

    Juli @ Universe in Words

  5. I haven't had this happen yet :( but if it did I would definitely stop accepting books so I could keep from being overwhelmed. Here's my response:

    Happy Hopping!

  6. I'd like to know more about the Sleeper. Some nights I could use one!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment about WILD.

  7. Eve of Awakening sounds really good. Great 56!

  8. Sounds good, I shared the giveaway.
    I have halted book reviews unless its a book I can't live without. :-)

    Happy weekend!

  9. Not accepting any new books has to be difficult, but it is necessary when time is the problem. That makes things quite stressful when you know you have so many to read and so little time. Good move on your part.

    I have cut down as well. :)

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  10. I haven't come across this problem so far, I don't get a lot of review books to read. But I would if I couldn't keep up. Here's my answer

    Happy Hopping & have a great weekend :)

  11. I've also had to decline a few books for review. I do not like to stress myself out but accepting books I don't have time to read.
    Here's my answer
    Happy Hopping!

  12. I do stop accepting books for review every so often.

  13. In regards to the "Book Blogger Hop" question, I think that most of us book bloggers are pretty much in the same boat -- we're overwhelmed! I know I've definitely stopped accepting books for review, unless they come from blog tour companies I've signed up with. I have a statement regarding this included on my review policies page.

    As for your "Friday 56" book choice, I've already entered the giveaway. This book looks like a really great read, and I find the quotes very intriguing!

    Happy reading!! : )
