
Sunday, April 27, 2014

24 Hour: That's a Wrap!

That's a wrap, everyone and all I can say is:


I am super amazed on all the hard work and dedication that EVERYONE put into this read-a-thon. So, I applaud you.

This was my first time participating. I was not a reader, but I did cheer and host a challenge. Oh yeah...Here's who won the 3-2-1 Action! Challenge:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Even though I didn't sign up to be a reader, I did read for an hour and was able to finish Salome by Oscar Wilde. It was a very short book/play, but I was able to cross it off my list.

Now, everyone relax! Get some Zzzzs!


  1. Yay for your first-time! You chose great ways to participate. So cool that you got in a bit of reading, too.

    Joy's Book Blog

  2. Awww yay, thanks!
    I didn't do ANY of the challenges this year! I usually do some, but just wasn't in the mood this time I guess.

    I am so glad you joined this year. I hope you will continue!

    1. Just the fact that you pretty much read the whole time is amazing!! I admire your stamina and determination!
