
Saturday, June 28, 2014

End of Five Glass Slippers Tour: What Would I Wear and Dance to at the Ball?

The Five Glass Slippers Blog Tour has ended and it sure was super fun!

I got to meet new bloggers as well as get to know the five fabulous authors from this amazing book.

Five Glass Slippers is a new favorite of mine!

I would like to thank Amber Stokes of Seasons of Humility for introducing me to this book and blog tour. I would also like to thank  Rooglewood Press for creating such a fabulous book!

So why am I posting again? Well, not only to promote this book again but because Amber has asked a couple of questions to us bloggers.

Amber: Tell me, what have you been wearing to the ball this week? Which song are you hoping to hear before the orchestra leaves?

Vonnie: If I could go to a ball, I would wear this green gown. Why? Because it's beautiful, it's my favorite color, the color compliments my skin tone, and it will be easy to dance in.

Vonnie: The song that I would like to hear at the ball would be the Arabian Waltz because I have to have some Arabic music to show off my moves, yet still be elegant ;)

 Again, this was a very fun blog tour! Please check out the book and see what all the fuss is about!!



What happens when Cinderella is so painfully shy that she cannot bear the idea of attending the royal ball? Or when the slipper fits . . . but on the wrong girl? What happens when Cinderella is determined to oust an imposter prince from her rightful throne? Or when she is a cendrillon miner working from a space station orbiting a cthonian planet? What happens when Cinderella, a humble housemaid, is sent with a message for a prisoner trapped in a frightening fairy circus?

Here is Cinderella as you have never met her before, wearing glass slippers and off on unforgettable adventures!
Available now in paperback and Kindle formats!

You can check out my review here towards the bottom of the post.

The Five Glass Slippers collection will be on sale for only $.99 in Kindle format for the duration of the blog tour (June 23-28)!


  1. Oooooh! Gorgeous, green, and flowing--I love your gown choice! This really was a marvelous blog tour, and I'm glad I "met" you here. :-D

    1. Thanks! It was so nice to "meet" you too! I love meeting new bloggers!

  2. Vonnie, you're awesome!! You've made my week with your excitement for this tour - and it's so wonderful to know that Five Glass Slippers is a new favorite of yours! The next contest (Five Enchanted Roses) is now open for entries. :D It will be exciting to see how that collection turns out!

    Now, I agree with Jill about the dress choice - love the color, and love how flowy it is! Perfect for dancing! And great song choice. Unique, exotic, and something where you can show off your dance moves. ;)

    Just wanted to clarify that it was all Rooglewood Press on the book creation - they have their own editing team. :) I expanded Editing Through the Seasons to include publicity in addition to editing, so I'm just the marketing side for this particular book. But the name is confusing, isn't it? LOL. I just want to make sure I give credit where it's due for the quality of the book. :)

    Thank you again so much for everything! It makes me so happy to see bloggers enjoying themselves with the blog tours! :)


    1. Thank you for your kind comments and thank you for the clarification. I got to fix that :)

    2. I'm excited for Five Enchanted Roses. Maybe I'll enter it. Hehehehe
