
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

June 2014: Wrap Up

Wait...June is over? *scratches head* Wow! Time flew! Here's what I got read this past month:

goddess born coverBlood Green

Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli 3 stars
Blood Green by Ashley Nemer 4 stars
Goddess Born by Michelle Cohen 4 stars
Hunger by B.L. Wilde 4.5 stars
A Kiss at Midnight by Eloisa James 2 stars
Five Glass Slippers by Various Authors 5 stars ♥

Six books. Not bad. I always think that I don't have time to read and that I never finish anything. I like to prove myself wrong every month :)
Out of all of these reads, I'm so glad to have found a new favorite: Five Glass Slippers.  This book contained 5 retellings of the Cinderella story and boy, they each were unique and really good! If you did not see my bombardment of posts last week on this book then go right ahead and check them out in my summary posts to the right.
My least favorite read of the month was A Kiss at Midnight, also a Cinderella retelling. All I have to say is, blah.
Now, I hope I could get many reads accomplished for July. I am behind with some review reads so I need to catch up with that. I also HAVE to read books from my actual pile. Ay! Wish me luck!
What did you read in June?


  1. The months are flying by so fast I haven't even done a monthly wrap-up in two months!

  2. Very impressive, Vonnie! WOW. I'm lucky if I can get two books read each month....I get SO caught up in doing blog, as you know, I'm a slow reader. Maybe I should take a speed reading course. Lol.

    "Five Glass Slippers" sounds really GREAT! I'll have to go check out your posts about this book! As for "Goddess Born", I participated in the "I Am a Reader" blog tour not that long ago, and that book looks very interesting, too. Too bad it's an ebook, though.


    1. Yeah, I always laugh at myself because I feel like I'm not reading at all until I do my wrap-ups.

      Maria, you will LOVE "Five Glass Slippers"! I urge you to read it. In fact, they are currently accepting entries for their next book on Beauty & the Beast. You are an amazing writer and I hope you will enter the contest :)
