
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Show Some Love :)

Hi everyone! I hope you are all enjoying your summer and are getting many reads done!

I am here to introduce to you to a friend of mine who just started a new blog, Lisa!

I've met Lisa through our Bibliophile reading group over at Shelfari. She's an amazing person and I absolutely love how she too has a passion for books AND dance.

This is how she describes herself:

Ballroom-dancing, scuba-diving, cat-adoring, shark-admiring, chocolate-loving, fiction-reading bibliophile.

Please help me welcome her to our book blogging community!
You can visit Lisa at:


  1. That's so awesome that you are high-lighting a friend's blog. Way cool!

    1. Thank you! I feel that we book bloggers should look out for one another and help promote each other. Wendy @ Wall-to-Wall Books did that for me when I started blogging. It made me feel very welcomed.

  2. You know, this is a very nice thing to do, Vonnie!! I know that Parajunkee's View has a hop for this purpose, every Friday. I used to participate. Maybe I'll start up again!

    I read Lisa's article on the Harry Potter series, and LOVED it!!! I left her a pretty long comment in which I expressed my enthusiasm to the MAX. Lol. As you know, I'm a HUGE fan of the series!!

    I commend you for introducing Lisa! And it's GREAT that you're "paying it forward" by doing for someone else what Wendy @ Wall to Wall Books did for you!! KUDOS TO YOU!!! : )

    1. Thank you, Maria! I really do believe that us book bloggers need to stick together and help each other out. We don't really get paid for what we do; we simply blog because we love to share our passions with one another.

      I like to know that I have a few people in the blog world who have my back and support me. I know you are one of them too! Though it is not much but it's something to do for a dear friend.

      And yes, I too used to participate in Parajunkee's hop before I got so involved with blog tours. I should suggest this hop to Lisa.
