
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Update: What is Vonnie Up To?

Hello, everyone!

Perhaps you have noticed that it's been a little quiet over here in my reading corner and maybe you were wondering what was happening. Maybe... ;)

Well, so much has happened this month.

First, I went to Florida for almost a week at the beginning of August. I went there to participate and work at Ahmed Hussien's annual dance camp. I had a lot of fun.

Next, our school system started on August 12th, which meant I had to return to work. The school year is going well so far, and my assignment is easier compared to my last two cases (I work with children with special needs). 

And finally...I have started school at California State University, Fullerton. Yes, after 7 years, I am back at school! It was time that I finally got focused in receiving my teaching credential for special education. 

With that said, school has me very preoccupied lately that I have not done any personal reading this month. I have no idea when I'll be able to do so. So, my blog will be silent for a while as I try to get used to the swing of things again. 

In the mean time, I wish you guys lots of love, happiness, and reading time. Wish me luck!!



  1. Aw, that's okay that you didn't get to read much, All of us have been there and done that. I hope you have a great time at university, and wish you all the luck for the same!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Thank you, Sarika! I am still trying to get used to being a student again. It won't be easy but I'll keep persevering.

  2. Yo babe!
    Well it does sounds like you have been BUSY!!!!!!
    Sounds like all good stuff happening though.
    Love ya! Muah!

    1. Yo Wendy! ;)
      When am I not busy? lol
      I keep doing this to myself; but hey, I love to find new ways to grow. Wish me luck!
