
Thursday, June 15, 2017

Little Free Library Adventures #5

Hello everyone! I decided to treat myself this past Monday on a small adventure in surrounding cities. Here are some cute LFLs that I found:


This pretty blue library was filled with children's books. I liked how on one side of the box had the moon while the other side had the sun. They appeared to be hand-painted, so they made them very unique. I did not grab any books from this library but I sure gave many children's books to add to the collection. 

La Mirada

This one was absolutely adorable! The library was in the middle of a "Fairy Garden," which you can see part of it in the picture. I love looking at these types of gardens. They can be so creative! I dropped off a few books and picked up only one. I've heard of this book so I'm excited to get to read it one day. 

Just a few blocks away from the Fairy Garden was this awesome library! It was very simple (though I do love the swinging boy), but it had so many wonderful books!  It was so hard not to take all of the books. I could not help but grab three, but I made sure do drop off six! lol

I am tempted to go back to this library because of all the amazing titles I found there. Aye!!! I must have will power!!!! LOL!

Until next time!


  1. Cool excursion, Vonnie!

  2. Awww, totally fun find for you!! I love Little Free Libraries and try to stop by and find one as often as possible! I think I've visited at least 9 Little Free Libraries this year.
