
Monday, August 19, 2019

Bout of Books 26: Day 1

Bout of BooksChallenges

Introduce Yourself #insixwords

The challenge is simple: introduce yourself on Twitter, Instagram, or on this post using six words, no more, no less. Use the hashtags #boutofbooks and #insixwords so we can learn all about you.

Example: "Needed for survival: books, dogs, coffee."

Mine:  Lover of books who is stubborn.

Instagram Photo a Day

For those of you who use Instagram, don't forget to post your daily Bout of Books photo. Find out more on our Bout of Botoks Instagram page!


I am currently reading a book that my husband recommended, Kubrick's Game by Derek Taylor Kent. Yes, I started it on Friday but I only read four chapters (it was a busy weekend). So, I'll continue it for this challenge and hopefully finish it soon so I can start on another one.

I'm also going to finish listening to the audiobook, Ready Player One, also recommended by my husband. I got him hooked on reading and now he is super excited of all the books he's reading. To keep his excitement, I read the books with him. I have made him a book lover. :)

If you want to follow my Instagram, you can go here.
I post things related to hiking, reading, eating, family, my dog, dance, and anything going on in my life. I try to only post things that are interesting to myself and others.

Happy reading!


  1. Kubrick's Game sounds pretty interesting. I'd never heard of it before.

    1. We met the author at the LA Times' Festival of Books. Never heard of the author nor the book until the festival. The author was very energetic, funny, and sweet. His energy is also in the book. The book is so far very entertaining and it's a pretty fast read.
