
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Little Free Library Adventures #8

I went for a drive this weekend and encountered a couple of cute Little Free Libraries (LFL). Here are the two that I found:

La Habra area

This one was in front of what I believe was a daycare center. The name "Nevaeh's" was painted on the cute red library, which made me wonder if it belonged to the owner of the daycare center or if it was the name of a young girl that attended there. Either way, the LFL was filled with children's books of all ages. Many of the books had stickers on the front cover indicating that they came from "Nevaeh's Library."  

The next LFL:

Fullerton area
I went driving around another neighborhood and found this little gem. I thought it was adorable how it had two compartments for books: the bottom with only young children's books and the top with books for all ages. I thought the design of the library to appear like a chimney was adorable. What I found very intriguing was encountering a few books in Spanish as well. 

Let's see where I find the next adventure. :)