
Friday, July 31, 2020

First Line Fridays: July 31st

This weekly meme is hosted by Hoarding Books.  Here's a book I listened to a few weeks ago and highly enjoyed: 

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First Line: "Emoni's 'When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemon Verbena Templeque' Recipe

Serves: Your heart when you are missing someone you love."

With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo

Thoughts? Did it grab your attention? Let me know below. 

Also, be sure to stop by Hoarding Books to check-out other first-liners.


  1. My first line is from Acceptable Risk by Lynette Eason

    Chapter 2
    September. Helmed Province, Afghanistan

    Sarah Denning sat on the dirt floor of the Afghani prison cell and shivered in the hinety-degree heat, fighting the fear that had been her constant companion since the Taliban had attacked the school yesterday.

    1. Oh, this book sounds like its up my alley. Thanks for sharing!

  2. That certainly grabbed my attention! I need to know more! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. The story is interwoven with recipes. It is lots of fun!

  3. I'm currently reading The London Restoration by Rachel McMillan. I'm just beginning chapter 10, so I'll share from there:
    "The only other time Diana had been at Brent's flat -her flat- in Clerkenwell alone was when she was packing her suitcase to leave for Buckinghamshire."
    I hope you have a great weekend! 😀❤📚

  4. Happy Friday!

    Over on my blog I am sharing the first line from Chautona Havigs' Dual Power of Convenience.
    "This isn't what I had in mind when I decided to open an mobile bookstore!"

    Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Ooh! A mobile bookstore! Sounds like fun!
      Thanks for stopping by. :)

  5. I've been waiting for aaaaaaaages for this one from the library!!

    1. Thank you! I am currently down to being the #4 hold on six copies so I should be getting one soon. I requested it on June 23rd, if that gives you any indication of how long I have been waiting, and how low on the list I was!

    2. Yeah, I waited almost 2 months to get a copy. It was actually estimating 12 weeks but I guess people cancelled their holds or read the book faster.
