
Sunday, August 9, 2020

Little Free Library Adventures #11


My husband and I encountered a couple of new Little Free Libraries near us. I always like to take pictures of them to document the creativity of people. Plus, it makes me even more excited to check out the types of books each library has.

Here's the first library:

My husband was very excited for this one. He encountered it in one of his walks in the hills behind our place. It was very cute how he rushed home, made me get in the car, drove me to the LFL, pointed at it, and exclaimed, "Look!" He was even more excited to find the Star Wars trilogy inside. He was good; he only took the first book instead of all three (we only had one book to trade with). 

Here's the next one:

We encountered this LFL when we were trying to find a good taco spot in the Fullerton/Anaheim area. This one carried books for very young children. 

Can't wait for the next LFL Adventure!!


  1. Looks like good times!! My hubby and I found 3 new to us Little Free Libraries yesterday morning before the 90+ degree here kicked in.

    1. I like how many are popping up now. And ew to this weather we're having!

  2. Awwww I love these! We have one kind of near us too.
