
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

It's 2021!


Happy New Year! I hope you are all continuing to stay safe and are surrounded by books (and loved ones). I took a break from technology the first few days of this new year and it felt great! It gave me a chance to reflect what my priorities are, especially since we are still in a pandemic. 

Like many, I created goals for this year that I really hope to stick with. I tried to make them as realistic as possible. 

Personal goals:
  • Start dancing again--try to belly dance an hour a week and increase it during my vacation time. 
  • Study for the BCLAD--Bilingual Authorization
  • Continue to hike (safely of course)
  • Continue to find ways to be more green

Book goals:
  • Read 40 books--at least 12 to be from my actual book shelves.
  • Publish a blog post at least once a week
  • Visit and comment on others' blogs
I think my book goals will be harder for me to stick with then my personal ones. I tend to be MIA a lot and I tend to only listen to audiobooks instead of reading physical books. But I am really going to push myself to do better though. I signed up for some challenges to keep me accountable:

I pray this year goes better and that people don't lose hope. Remember to not only take care of yourself but the people around you as well. We are all in it together.  Be kind and be safe. I love you all!


  1. All quite excellent goals, here's to a productive and safe 2021!

  2. Excellent goals!! Good luck with achieving them all. I've posted my reading goals to my blog, but didn't mention my personal goals.

    I need to exercise more by walking.... last year when the pandemic, I played indoor cat and barely exercised. :-( I have signed up for a flash fiction writing course and need to complete my TEFL course so that I can begin teaching English online. :-)

    1. How exciting! I wish you tons of luck with the course!
