
Monday, June 7, 2021

Update: June 7th


I'm on summer break!!! Woo hoo!
And wow, what a school year!

This school year was the toughest school year so far for me. Not only did we start the year with distance learning, but I was split between two schools: my home elementary school and a middle school. My school district decided before the school year started to not hire a replacement for the RSP teacher at the middle school. They thought it wise to split the caseload between two teachers. What could go wrong? Aye...

And things got super interesting once we went from distance learning to hybrid in April, plus we went forward with state testing. *double sigh*

Let's just say, my colleague (the teacher with the other half of the caseload) and I did not get any support from the district. We had to figure things out on our own and had to rely on each other to stay sane. Luckily, our administrators at our home schools, as well as the middle school, had our backs and tried to help us out. It was very sad to see how hard our admin tried to support us but the district kept shutting them down. I won't describe more of what happened due to legalities but let's just say I am super stoked that this school year has finally ended!

With that said, I am looking forward to getting some self care done. I am looking forward to exercising, eating better, spending time with loved ones, and reading!!!! Oh my gosh, reading! 

I started a few books back in March that I need to finish and I need to finalize some posts that I drafted during that time as well. 

I am so taking advantage of my time off this year!


  1. I've missed your online presence. I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog posts this summer.

    Sounds like you've had quite a challenging school year in terms of teaching. I'm glad you have some much needed down time to read this summer.

    1. I missed being online too but after all day of Zooming and other chaos, being online was the last thing I wanted to do these past few months.

      Now, I am enjoying lounging on my couch as I listen to an audiobook.

  2. So glad to see you back around again!! Students were done on the 26th and teachers the 28th. Last week was amaaaaaaaaay-zing. I will not miss the chaos, and I am glad to see you. We have plenty of stories to compare, I'm sure, though I have a feeling you will easily win the "I can't believe this happened" award. Sounds like things got very bad, and self-care is just what you need!

    1. Nice!

      Yeah, this school year was very tough on everyone. I find it crazy that many still decided to do summer school and ESY. Everybody, including students, need time to rest before this next school year begins.

    2. Agreed! Instead, my district is opting for MORE schooling. They're offering half day and full day sessions, basically all summer. Our special education students are also getting the option of compensatory services for the hours missed related to their IEPs from the 4th quarter last school year when the buildings closed. It is such a mess, but I do not teach summer school. I only have so many summers with my daughter and I will spend that time with her because we both deserve it!

    3. Yes, spend as much time with her as you can! I give props to all educators that do decide to work during the summer. I used to work ESY as a paraprofessional because of finances but now as a teacher, I take advantage of all of the breaks.

    4. It's the best part of the year. I love teaching resource, but I love the two and a half months as a stay-at-home mom more.
