
Monday, August 26, 2019

Bout of Book 26: Wrap Up!

And that's a wrap!! It was so much fun being able to participate in the Bout of Books Readathon! My goal for this challenge was to be able to read at least 1-2 books and get back into posting on my blog. Well, not only did I accomplish my goals, but I surpassed them!

I read a total of five books: 2 physical books, 1 ebook, and 2 audiobooks. I also published at least 8 different posts this week, which is a lot since I only posted 2 this entire year before. 

I am very proud of myself. This readathon helped me get my passion back for reading and I could feel my mind getting stronger (I'm on medical leave due to a brain injury). Now...What should I read next? 


  1. Woot!! 5 books is great! So happy too that it has help you out of your reading slump. I think it's helped me too! I read a bunch of books in January and February, but none since then. :/ Have a great week.

  2. Thank you! I'm glad it helped you out too!
