
Monday, January 3, 2022

2022 Thoughts

Hello readers!

As usual, it has been a while since I've posted. The last few months of 2021 have been incredibly tough for me work-wise. I am not going to bore you with the details of what has been happening at work but let's just say that it consumed every minute of my life. 

Right now I am on winter break and I took a much needed vacation with my husband to visit White Sands National Park and Saguaro National Park. 

Our trips to these parks, as well as spending time with our families for the holidays, has reminded me that my health is very important. Yes, I do love my job but I am not loving the situation that it is putting all of the special education staff through throughout the district. However, I cannot allow the disorganization of my district affect my physical and mental health anymore. Life is too short and I want to make sure that I am well enough for my husband, my family, my friends, and yes, my dog. 

During the last two weeks of December, I really got involved with the Winter Games on Litsy. And guess what? I had so much fun! My passion for reading was re-ignited and my obsession to join reading challenges was sparked again. It also made me miss book blogging on here. 

For 2022, I am going to aim to make more time for reading. Am I going to be blogging? Maybe not as much as I used to do, but do expect posts here and there. However, you can find me active on my Litsy account. Also, if you're on Litsy, let me know so I can follow you!

Along with reading, I am putting my health a priority. I will be eating better. When I am stressed, I do not eat and when I do, I don't eat healthy items. So I am going to make sure to meal plan so I can have healthy meals for at least twice a day. I also plan to get more active. My husband and I signed up to do the 52 Hike Challenge again. We love hiking and this challenge really encourages us to explore new places. 

Now dancing...I have no idea if I'll be going back to dancing. Unfortunately, I allowed my stress to discourage me from doing any kind of dancing. I do hope to find my spark again. 

Enough about me. Please let me know how you are doing and what your plans are for 2022. 

Hope you are doing well and Happy New Year!