
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Liebster Blog Award!

I was nominated by Carson from A Reader with Voice for the Liebster Award! Thanks, Carson!!!
The Liebster Blog Award is given to blogs that have less than 200 followers who deserve some recognition and support to keep on blogging. Google did not help me figure out where this award originated from but I think the intention is quite cute and encouraging. In fact, “liebe” means “love” and “liebster” means “dearest one” in German. I am greatly honored in receiving this award :D

Award winners share 11 facts about themselves, answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who tagged them, come up with 11 of their own questions, and tag 11 more bloggers with the award. Don't forget to notify the people you nominate and no "tag" backs.

So here it goes!

11 Facts About Me:

1.       I was born in Mexico but was raised in California.
2.       I was kidnapped by my grandmother and brought to California at the age of 3. I was separated from my mom for three months. What a way to come to the U.S., huh?
3.       I’ve seen  the Phantom of the Opera musical live 6 times (one time in Vegas), seen the movie 20+ times, read the original book 5 times, and I enjoy reading books based on the Phantom. This makes me a Phan.
4.       I love Thai food and I could have it every day.
5.       My first paying job (at least the one I got my first pay check) was at Medieval Times. I worked in the Gift Shop department as a “Mistress”.
6.       I worked at Disneyland for 2 years as a cashier and cook.
7.       I have met Josh Groban and shook his hand. He’s quite sweet and loves to visit Medieval Times.
8.       I am obsessed with belly dance. It’s my other passion besides reading.
9.       I currently work as an aide for students with special needs and I also tutor on the side.
10.   I love my baby; she’s an almost 6-year-old Chihuahua.
11.   I am in love with a Marine who has been my best friend since 9th grade.  Luckily he is still stationed near home but will be shipped out soon. I just pray that he is sent somewhere that’s not too dangerous.

Carson’s Questions:

1) What is your least favorite book cover? I don’t have a specific book in mind, but I usually don’t like plain white books with just the title on them.
2) What is the first book you remember reading? I don’t remember the name of the book but it was in Spanish and the cover was red. It was about a little girl and her mother (like that helps).

3) What is a book you feel you will never read? I think that would be 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, especially the Spanish Edition.  I've tried to read it but I cannot make myself do so for some reason.
4) What is your current favorite song? Shut Up Woman and Get on My Horse (It’s a horrible song but for some reason I’m addicted to it)

5) Have you been to any author signings? Not many but I have. I’ve been to Anne Rice’s book signing this year at the Festival of Books.
6) Can you play an instrument? Do zills count? They are finger cymbals used in belly dance.

7) Do you listen to music while you read? Rarely, but if I do, it cannot have words.

8) Do you like bacon (I want to know if I'm alone in hating it)? I LOVE bacon! Sorry, Carson.

9) Do you separate your TBR books or put them on the same shelf? All of my books are mixed in together.
10) Who is your least favorite male love interest? I’m guessing this is a book character so I will have to say Edward from Twilight.

11) Who is your least favorite female character? Bella Swan…

My Questions:

1.       What book makes you feel happy?
2.       What book angers you?
3.       How do you pick your next book read?
4.       Which book is your childhood favorite?
5.       What book character do you most relate to?
6.       Does your reading increase or decrease during the summer? Why?
7.       Other than books/reading, do you have any other passions?
8.       Do you ever skip to the end of the book while reading it, just to see what happens?
9.       What’s your favorite movie based on a book?
10.   Coffee, Tea, Champurrado, Hot Chocolate or Milk?
11.   Do you see yourself blogging after 20 years?

I apologize if you were not nominated. I nominated those that had their GFC visible; plus I am following the “less than 200” rule. Here are my nominees:

2. Carmen @ Carmen’s Book Adventure (GFC is at the bottom)
3. Ana @ Beach Bum Reads
4. Emmy @ Sinfully Delicious Book Reviews
5. Elizabeth @ The Lost Dragon Chronicles
6. DeneƩ @ Novel Reveries
7. Atmika@ I Talk Books
8. Krysten @ A Turn of Page
9. Barklesswagmore @ Fetch Me My Fainting Couch
10. Aris @ Aris Whittier ~ A Romance Writer’s Crazy Life~
11. Abi @ Christian Novels


  1. Thanks for nominating me! I have received this award a couple times and already wrote a blog post but I will answer your questions here!

    1.What book makes you feel happy? There are a lot of books that make me happy but recently the ones that have made me giddy happy have been The River of Time Series by Lisa T. Bergren

    2.What book angers you? I can't think of a specific book that makes me mad but I get really angry when the bad guy turns out to be a relative, especially if it's the father!

    3.How do you pick your next book read? If I have ones to review those come first and after that I have a list of my books and I use to pick one.

    4.Which book is your childhood favorite? REALLY young I'd say A Porcupine Named Fluffy, a little older I'd say maybe Narnia.

    5.What book character do you most relate to? Hmm idk. Usually introvert charcaters.

    6.Does your reading increase or decrease during the summer? Why? It depends. It usually stays close to the same.

    7.Other than books/reading, do you have any other passions? Babysitting, crocheting, and photography.

    8.Do you ever skip to the end of the book while reading it, just to see what happens? Nope-never!

    9.What’s your favorite movie based on a book? Lord of the Rings or Hunger Games

    10.Coffee, Tea, Champurrado, Hot Chocolate or Milk? TEA!

    11. Do you see yourself blogging after 20 years?
    I hope so!

    1. Thank you for taking the time in answering my questions :D

    2. My pleasure! I have received this award a total of four times now and I decided to make another post about it! Thanks again!

  2. Let me see… kidnapped by a grandparent and smuggled into CA, has seen Phantom so much she has become a Phan, worked as a “mistress” at Medieval Times, is in love with a Marine and a small adorable dog,… this sounds like the making of a book ;o)

    I LOVE Thai food and I could also eat it every day. I saw Phantom in San Francisco and fell in love. Please tell your Marine thank you for his service!

    Thanks for the award.

    1. Lol I don't think my life is that exciting to be a novel.

      I'll let him know you said thanks :D

  3. I felt pretty neutral about Of Mice and Men. It was freshman year, and I barely remember reading it. I'm a new follower! Happy Friday! My FF

  4. Hmmm somehow I missed this post!

    I loved getting to know you better. Some things I knew but most I did not. You have a very interesting life! I am so glad you could to the US, one way or another!
    Ahh so those little finger cymbals actually have a name? LOL

    I did get this award when I was under 200. You've done a great job in such a short amount of time. You deserve it!

  5. Congratulations on the award! I like your questions so much I will have to save them for a rainy day to answer.
