
Thursday, July 26, 2012

TBR Reduction Thursdays! HELP!! #2

My TBR pile keeps increasing and it doesn't help that I keep having book hauls. So I need to really get cracking into reading my books, especially the older ones. Last week you voted for Confessions of a "Wicked" Woman by Susanna Carr and I have gotten started on that. Now, I hope you guys can help me again with the next read. I have been neglecting the male authors so the following vote are books written by men:

(Click on links for more info)

1. The Strain by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan
2. Afterlife by Douglas Clegg
3. The Innkeeper's Song by Peter S. Beagle

What Should I Read Next Written by a Male Author? free polls 

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