
Sunday, February 2, 2014

2014: Jan. Wrap-up + Feb. Plans

Woo hoo!!! I can't believe how well I did for the first month of this new year! I am so proud of myself especially with all the craziness that has been going on at home. Here's what I got read:

1. Dragon Fire by Dina Von Lowenkraft 3 stars (review)
2. Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake (audio) 5 stars (review)
3. An Unlikely Pair by Monya Clayton 4 stars (review)
4. Turning This Thing Around by Keith Maginn 4 stars (review)
5. The Hoop Kid by Teko Bernard 4 stars (review)
6. TaleSpins by Michael Mullin 5 stars (review)
7. Matilda by Roald Dahl (audio) 5 stars (review)
8. The Trap by Andrew Fukuda 5 stars (review)
9. The Colony by Cami Checketts 4 stars (review)
10. A Drop of Water by Walter Wick 5 stars (review)
11. Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake (audio) 3 stars (review soon...)

I love how I read a few 5 star books!

February's Plans:

I'm not sure how much reading I'm going to be doing this month. So many things have been going on at home that my reading has started to slow down. I do hope to continue updating my blog so that there's something new every two to three days for my fellow followers. 

Also, I want to catch up with some posts that I had planned at the end of December and throughout January. I have a couple of spotlights to post and some Book-to-Movie reviews. I'm going to do my best to stay on my game.

So far, for the month of February this is what I have planned for reading:

1. Outcast by Cheryl Brooks (January's leftover)
2. The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman (audio)
3. A Tricky Game by Seraphima Bogomolova
4. Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto
5. Goodwill Tour: Paying it Forward by Keith Maginn

What do you think?


  1. Wow, you read a lot of books! I think this is the most for one month since I have known you.
    I tried reading Anna Dressed in Black a while back but did not finish it. Perhaps I should try it in audio. Thanks.

    1. I know!!! Did I work this month? What happened?

  2. Enjoy Ocean at the End of the Lane!
