AWAKENED BY A KISSLaura Fairleigh needs a husband. If she is to keep a roof over her siblings heads, the prim rectors daughter must wed by her twenty-first birthday. When she finds a mysterious stranger with the face of an angel and the body of Adonis unconscious in the forest and with no memory of his name or his past, she decides to claim him for her own. Little does she know that her fallen angel is really the devil in disguise.
Sterling Harlow, the notorious rake known as the Devil of Devonbrooke, awakens to the enchanting kiss of a lovely young woman who informs him he is her long-lost betrothed. With her sun-kissed cheeks and smattering of freckles, she looks every inch the innocent, but her curves possess a womans allure. When she assures him he is the perfect gentleman, he wonders if hes lost his wits as well as his memory. He would have sworn he was not a man to be satisfied with mere kisses especially from lips as sweet and luscious as Laura's. As he attempts to uncover the truth before their wedding night, A Kiss To Remember ignites a passion neither of them will ever be able to forget....
My Thoughts: To be awaken by a kiss can be sweet, but what happens if you are kissed by a stranger? In this fairy tale inspired story, Sterling was awaken from a kiss by a beautiful maiden, Laura. The kiss promised an innocent love until Laura's true intentions were revealed. Though this book was not perfect, I enjoyed the romance aspect of it.
This book could have been two: the story when Sterling had memory loss and the story after getting his memory back. I had mixed feelings for the chapters where Sterling had memory loss. I liked the idea of Sterling showing his true self by not remembering his dark past. It allowed him to accept his emotions, which made the spark between Laura and him sweet. What I did not like was the manipulation and murder plans that were involved in these chapters, which I'll further explain in the next paragraph. However, I did love the chapters after Sterling regained his memory. There was more passion in these chapters. Sterling tried to revert back to his old self, but kept struggling in trying to combat the past and be his true self. Laura showed her true strength in these chapters and was able to redeem herself to me. And the romance! It exploded and had me fanning myself!
So why did I have mixed feelings with the first few chapters? It was because of Laura and Lotte. Let's begin with Laura. Though she was sweet and caring, she was also manipulative and a liar. She took advantage of Sterling's memory loss for her own gains. Yes, I understood why she did it, but how she did it was not okay with me. I would have been fine with her simply lying to him that he was her fiancee, but she forced Sterling to be something he was not. She pretty much tried to mold him into the man of her dreams. If the roles were reversed, this would have taken a whole different meaning: a strange man capturing a young woman to manipulate and change her to become an object for his pleasure. This does not sit well, huh? So why was this okay for a woman to do to a man? Now, let me move on to Lotte. Lotte was Laura's very young sister who was obsessed with Gothic books because unfortunate things happened to characters, such as dying. To "save" Laura from marrying a stranger and being inspired by these books, Lotte planned to kill Sterling. Yup, murder him! Lotte's devious plannings were written to appear comical but in reality, they were scary. That little brat actually tried to kill a person! How was that okay? She needed to be evaluated and be sent to facility where she could not do harm to people.
In the end, I found it hard to determine exactly how to rate this book. It honestly felt like I read two different stories. The first one had I mixed feelings and the second I absolutely loved. I usually give low ratings for books that contain things as the ones in the first few chapters, but the romance and passion in the second half saved it for me. It reminded me why I love Teresa Medeiros's books so much. Eventually, I rate this book:
This book counts for the #ShelfLove Challenge.
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