Sunday, January 11, 2015

Bout of Books 12 Wrap-up!

Bout of Books 

Bout of Books #12 is over! Wow! I can't believe how fast time flew by. 

My goal for this read-a-thon was to concentrate on reading my books for review since I have fallen behind on these. Though I didn't read as many books as I was expecting, I was able to get some off the list. Yay for me!!! 

I am going to continue reading these books for review for the rest of the month, and perhaps half of February. I really need to get these over with so I can tackle my humongous TBR pile. 

So what books did I accomplish for BOB?,204,203,200_.jpg

Eve: In the Beginning by H.B. Moore
If You Believe by Mya O'Malley
The Last Garden by Jorge E. Ancheytta
Shadows in the Curtain by Cami Checketts (review soon to come)

I also listened to one audiobook (not for review):

And I started two books:

I feel really good about my reads even if I didn't read as much as I hoped. This BOB has really helped me start off the year right. :)

How did it go for you?


  1. Great job on the read-a-thon! I loved Bout of Books and can't wait until the next one.

    1. Thanks! I hope to participate in the next one as well :)

  2. Four books is awesome! I really liked that the readathon helped me start the year off right as well.

  3. My BoB went well for the most part. On day 6, I ended up reading a book that didn't sit well with me at all, so I didn't read much after that. :( Other than that, it was a great success for me. Here's how my Bout of Books 12 ended up.

    1. Don't you just hate it when that happens? It really kills your momentum.
