Monday, July 5, 2021

Little Free Library Adventures #15

During the Memorial Day weekend, my little family and I went to Oceanside, California for some much needed self-care. We stayed at a farm, which was very calm and serene. We were able to hike in the regional park literally across the street from our stay and our hosts lent us bicycles so we could bike the 9 miles to the beach. And of course, we ended our mini trip by searching for Little Free Libraries. Here are three that we found:

This one was in front of an elementary school


This one was next to a middle school

This one was in front of a high school

The funny thing about these finds was I didn't mean to look for LFL's located at schools. It just happened that we just went to the ones nearest us on the LFL map. I couldn't help but giggle that we went from elementary school, to middle school, and ended with high school. I wonder if this symbolizes something? 


  1. it amused me as well that all your finds were at schools - and in order! I love these posts and seeing all of the wonderful little libraries you find.

  2. We had a wonderful time! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. You have the best LFL adventures!! I love that you found LFLs at schools as you are a teacher.

    That's great that you and your family took time for self care in Oceanside.
