It is Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15th to October 15th. To kick it off, I will do my best to participate in the Latinx-a-thon from September 15th to September 24th. This read-a-thon encourages participants to read books by Latinx authors.
(For more information about this read-a-thon, you can check out my post.)
Now, let's see what books I finally decided to tackle for this Latinx-a-thon:
1. VOICES: A book by an Indigenous or Afro-Latinx author
I, Rigoberta Menchu by Rigoberta Menchu (Guatemala)
Rigoberta Menchu is an indigenous activist from Guatemala. I heard about her in Morgan Freeman's show, The Story of Us. Her story was heart-wrenching and inspiring. She received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1992 for all of her hard work for human rights. I just had to get my hands on her book.
2. LATINIDAD: A book by an intersectional Latinx author
I came across this comic book for a different book challenge. Luckily, this one can count for the Latinx-a-thon as well. The writer, Gabby Rivera, identifies as a queer Latina. She was hired to write Marvel's first queer Latina superhero. I'm actually excited to read this one and see how Marvel and Ms. Rivera will develop the character.
3. ROOTS: A translated book or a book featuring more than one language
Oh man...I've had this book on my shelves for over 10 years!!!! It is a bilingual book: the first half is the translated text and the second half is the original Spanish. I need to practice literature in Spanish AND I need to finally read this book. I guess it's time. :D
4. HERITAGE: A book by an author from a non-Spanish speaking Latin American country or heritageAmerican Street by Ibi Zoboi (Haiti)

I've heard so many great things about this author. It was hard to decide which book to start with, either start American Street or Pride. I am going for American Street since the audio was available right away at my library and I don't think I could squeeze in another physical book during this read-a-thon.

I actually won a signed copy by entering Latinx's giveaway! I was super thrilled to have won!
Read books that are written by authors representing a different Latinx heritage.
It looks like all of my TBR books are written by authors from different Latin American countries. Yay!
I was off work due to medical issues and will be returning this Monday. I already have many issues and piles of work waiting for me on my return. I have no idea if I'll be able to read all of these books within the time allotted. That's okay. I know I'm still going to have fun!
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