Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday Hops, 5/31/13

This hop is hosted by Billy over at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. Every week participants answer a question and then visit other blogs participating. The purpose of the hop is to give bloggers the chance to meet new bloggers, get to know one another better, and get new followers. This week's question is:

What is your favorite series that you've finished all the books (more than 3 books) to?   

A: Like many people, the Harry Potter series is perhaps my absolute favorite that I have read and completed. Another series that I like is Lisa Kay's The Hathaways. These books had me swooning, laughing, and shedding a tear here and there.

It's very rare when I get to finish reading a series though. I start them but only get to about the third book. The series that I really love and want to finish are Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series, Cheryl Brook's Cat Star Chronicles, The Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward, and Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles (I need two more I think).

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City Reader and The Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice.

Moonlit by Jadie Jones

" The first anniversary of my father's death was even harder on my mother. Back then, I thought she was haunted most by what she didn't know. I refused to blame her when she raged above me on our staircase that night, drunk and sad and angry. When she made me promise I'd never ride again. "

Page 56
"You were life-flighted from the local hospital near your farm, and you were considered D.O.A. Your body was--the injuries were catastrophic. They tried for over an hour to resuscitate you, but nothing was working. Dr. Andrews finally gave up and called your time of death."

My Thoughts: I haven't started this yet but I have to since my review is due this Monday. I could already tell that this is tragic and there might be a chance that I'll be needing my tissues.


  1. I've never read any HP books....

    Sounds like Moonlit is an emotional read.
    Happy weekend!

  2. Love Harry Potter, but I'm not sure I'd say it's my favorite series. Interesting question to think about.

    Followed you back.

  3. I like the HP books too - not my favourite series though - that's Colleen Mccullough's Rome series (I think, ask me another day and it could be a different answer).

  4. I haven't read any of the HP books. Not really my genre. Moonlit sounds good, though. Love the cover.

  5. Ooh, that 56 makes me very intrigued....thanks for sharing both excerpts....and for visiting my blog.

  6. can you believe i have not read harry potter? i really need to!

  7. Loved the HP books, thanks for coming to my blog, new GFC follower

  8. As you know, I had gotten to the middle of the sixth book in the Harry Potter series when the unthinkable happened....I know I should try to go back and finish. Maybe I'll do that this year.

    The book you're featuring for the other two hops looks like a terrific read! Yes, it does appear to be very emotional. But I just might give it a try, anyway. I LOVE horses, and I ADORE that cover!!

    Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my BBH post!! :)

  9. P.S. I have just found my "Shelf Candy Saturday" cover for this week!! And I'll be sure to credit you and your blog!! :)

  10. HP is on my list too :) It's just so lovely and magical. I've not read any of your other favorite series though! I'll have to look into them.

    Old follower

  11. I loved Lisa Kleypas' Hathaways series. Have read all the Outlander books and waiting for the next one coming out later in the year. I have had a couple of sets of these books would let them out to friends and eventually they fell apart and bought a new one, and friends bought their own!

  12. I haven't read Lisa Kleypas, but my sister is a huge fan. Historicals and I have a strange relationship, most of the time they simply bore me with all their descriptions of clothing and manners and parties and blah, blah, blah. So I skip them unless I see something really really special.

  13. Die Harry!! I've not read any of them either - but I do like Lisa Kleypas, I've just started reading more historical/regency again. I like some humor with my fancy pants :)

  14. I am the odd ball out because I have never read Harry Potter.

    THANKS for your answer.

    I am late with my visit, but better late than never, right? :)

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer
