Saturday, December 29, 2012

"Know Me Better" #3

"Know Me Better" is a Weekly Meme hosted by I'm A Reader, Not A Writer. Each week she'll pick 5 questions off of her author's interview list to answer and invites us to join in on the fun. This gives us the chance to get to know each other better.

This Week's Questions:
Favorite restaurant?
My favorite restaurant is Rachada Thai. I love Thai food and this place has delicious food that is very affordable. If I were richer, I would eat there every day.

What is your view on self publishing?
More power to them. Publishing is a very tough business and it makes sense why they go for self-publishing. The downside of this is that many books that get self-published are not great books. These books either lack editing or the stories are not well developed.

How do you feel about banned books? Do you have a favorite?
Why ban books? I never quite understood that. I know that people that ban books do it so certain books don't get read, but they only bring more attention to these books. My favorite will have to be Harry Potter.

Are you for or against books being made into movies?
I actually enjoy books being turned into movies, if it's done well. I know that movies are not going to be exactly the same as the book, but I do expect to like it.

Top 3 things on your bucket list?
Pay off my debt
Take the CBEST and get my teaching credential
Go to Egypt and study belly dance for at least a week.


  1. I've never had Thai, so I think I should try it soon. And I hope you get your teaching certificate. My degree is early childhood and I taught school for 14 yrs until we started home schooling our kids. There's nothing like it. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  2. Rachada is a small family owned restaurant here in Southern California. I don't think they have any other ones.

  3. Yes, banned books are silly haha. And ooh, egypt! I've always wanted to go. That too is on my bucket list! ^_^

  4. I agree about the banned books. It's very silly.

    My post is here.

  5. Thai is my fave food too! And I agree, why ban books? Especially something like Harry Potter. If it encourages kids to read it's a good thing.
